Henkel Street


Our clients, a young Brunswick family, sought to transform their compact urban yard into a lush, tranquil oasis. With energetic children and active parents, they envisioned a space conducive to outdoor enjoyment and hosting gatherings with friends and family and connection with the street. Featuring nature play elements and productive gardens, the space now provides engaging elements for all ages. From entertaining spaces to lounging areas, outdoor bathing zone, and sunny spots for relaxation and play, every corner was crafted to provide tactile and sensory delight for the entire family.

We prioritised native plants for their resilience to local weather conditions and their ability to support local wildlife.  To conserve water, we've installed rainwater tanks and incorporated permeable surfaces throughout the landscape design. Additionally, we repurposed the bathtub and tiles from the original kitchen, reducing waste.

ARCHITECT - Topology 
LANDSCAPER - Toads Landscaping
CUSTOM BENCH - Joseph David Furniture Design 
PHOTOGRAPHER - Thurston Empson

Henkel Street tile wall curved seat crazy pave

Design elements:

  • Outdoor bath

  • Sand pit

  • Balance beams

  • Trampoline

  • Sensory plants

  • Dwarf Peach, Lemon, Blueberry, strawberries, herbs

  • Water tanks

  • Dichondra lawn - no mowing!




Inner Studios